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wave solder pallet & material

Wave solder pallet material manufacturer

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Custom Wave & reflow solder pallet from China.
    Publish time 2021-06-17 12:28    

Custom Wave & reflow solder pallet from China.
This is a new project for customers.
We need the information as below for new project: 
1. Gerber file of the PCB
2. Photos of the PCB if now need the top support cover.
3. The PCB sample if possible!

Please contact us: Email 
: [email protected]

Custom Wave & reflow solder pallet from China.

Custom Wave & reflow solder pallet from China.

wave soldering pallet

Dong Guan Noves Electronics Co., Ltd

Add:No.20 Xinlang Road Xinguang 

Industrial Area Huangjiang Town 

Dongguan City Guangdong China

Contact:Kyle Wang


Moblie:+86 15024113078


Email: [email protected]